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Routine from Morning till Toon

Click each panel to read full details of activities lined up for each time frame.

This is part of the daily routine when all the children and staff meet together to do action rhymes, sing songs, exchange news and have stories, Pre-school will carry out self-register.

This is part of the daily routine when all the children and staff meet together to do action rhymes, sing songs, exchange news and have stories, Pre-school will carry out self-register.

Children will spending time with key person, will do various planned activities to support individual development needs, one to one activity.

The children make choices and decisions about where they would like to work in the nursery and how they are going to do it, these ideas/plans are encouraged and supported by the nursery officers.

The children tidy away materials they have been working with.  This is a valuable learning experience for children, it develops their self-help skills and a sense of responsibility for their environment as well as encouraging them to co-operate with and help others.

The children review what they have been doing by rejoining their own group of children and staff members with whom they planned and telling them about their work time activities.  This helps to develop children’s communication and language and literacy skills.

This is a time when all the children go outside and explore and investigate the outdoor learning environment, developing their skills of knowledge and understanding of the world. It also helps to develop the children’s physical skills.

Dinner Time and Tidy Up

This is part of the daily routine when all the children and staff meet together to do action rhymes, sing songs, exchange news and have stories.

Welcome parents back into nursery to share and talk about their child’s day.

Routine from Noon till Evening

Click each panel to read full details of activities lined up for each time frame.

This is a time when all the children go outside and explore and investigate the outdoor learning environment, developing their skills of knowledge and understanding of the world.  It also helps to develop the children’s physical skills.

This is part of the daily routine which includes activities that have been planned for the children by nursery officers. The children will work in groups with carefully selected materials which will help them to develop a learning key experience towards the Early Learning Goals,

Children will spending time with key person, will do various planned activities to support individual key child development needs This is achieved through well-planned play

This is a time when all the children go outside and explore and investigate the outdoor learning environment, developing their skills of knowledge and understanding of the world.  It also helps to develop the children’s physical skills.

Free Play- Child-led Choice

This is part of the daily routine when all the children and staff meet together to do action rhymes, sing songs, exchange news and have stories.

Welcome parents back into nursery to share and feedback about their child’s day.