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November 2020 Newsletter

Dear Parents/Carers

We hope you had a good half-term break. We had a great last week busy preparing annual Reports, profile folders and of course settling in new children.

Parents’ Feedback

We really appreciate you taking the time to fill in questionnaires. Your replies help us to make sure our provision meets yours and your children’s needs. Thanks also to those who mentioned they not aware of their child’s key-person where we have attached a list of your child’s Key person. However we still waiting for rest of parent to return the questionnaire please kindly return it by 5th November.

November Events

Although we started our Christmas show, we also will be celebrating this month celebration

  • On Wednesday 11th November we celebrating Diwali, please get your child dressed in colourful party outfit.
  • On Thursday 5th November we will  be looking at colours and sparkles
  • On Tuesday 17th November we celebrating World Peace Day, children can dress in pyjamas and you may donate £1.00 to children charity.
  • On 25th November we are celebrating Thanks Giving– Non-uniform for Children in Need

Christmas plan is in a separate leaflet!

Pre-school- Our pre-school children have shown a great interest in their September topic’ me and my family, where they visited different to see different material houses, discussed about family members they have in home and off course looked at mummy and daddy photo to replicate their classroom family tree. Throughout these experiences our children and practitioners extended these activities into the garden, building their own houses with large bricks and natural resources, learning about teamwork, sharing with others and shapes, space and measuring. Our Pre-schoolers have been exploring their new dolls house and equipment, creating their own role play characters and stories. Throughout October our children will be making animal masks and learning about the different countries these animals originate from. Our children will also be creating animal stone stories and puppets.


This month we would like to welcome Dhalia and Tara who joined us this month in Baby Room, they are still settling in with their key-person.

We also would like to welcome Jessie in Toddlers who is doing really well.

Staff of the Month

This month we would like to say well-done and Thank you to Amina who is working in Baby Room. She has developed an effective confident and communication skills, her care for children and meeting their needs have been seen through her practice and working in partnership with parents such as advising parent what is  best for children. Please do wish her the best!

Babies Achievements!

We would like to share how Alicja has become more confident with her peers and loves participating in all activities.

And here Mylah has shown a great improvement within her communication skills by having bubble conversation with her teachers and her peers.

Toddlers Achievements!

You must see our little Kristian who has improved within his language very well, he is able to express himself and able to share his likes and dislikes.

Than we have Khushi who have settled in so well, she is now participating in all activities and playing with her peers.

Download the Full Newsletter for November 2020 by clicking Here.

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